Welcome to the 10th network meeting for advisors on Organic milk production in the Nordic countries!
This year we will visit farmers who bring their cows and automatic milking system to a “Seter” where the farmers live for a shorter season while the cows graze on natural pastures. We will also visit a farm using Nofence system.
Monday night we start with dinner at Hoel Gård. We will visit four different organic dairy farms and look at natural pastures, nofence grasing, ryegrassing and a mobile automatic milking system.
Rooms and meals:
Each participant will orders room and meals by e-mail to the hotel:
Travel information:
Contactpersons Norway:
Kjersti Berge and Elin Thorbjørnsen, Norsk Landbruksrådgiving
kjersti.berge@nlr.no tlf +47 98 24 58 41
elin.thorbjornsen@nlr.no tfl + 47 95134103